
Required task    12, 13 groups      
Some tasks for vocation
If you don't use some language you will forget it very fast. Here are some tasks (as I promised you on our last meeting) on reading and grammar. Aslo, as we have already started a new topic we need some pre-tasks to work during the lessons better. Watch the videos and be ready to speak about Ukraine and its beautiful places!
Tasks for reading -Ukraine    write down all the answers on a paper sheet   
Audio file forExercise 1                        Audio file forExercise 3


Required task  31 group        
Spring vocation is not only for sleeping!
Hello students of the 31 group! Spring vocation has come and I hope you are having a good time relaxing and communicating with your friends! But don't think that I have forgotten my promise to upload some tasks for you. Here they are. Please, do them before next Sunday and get some extra good grades. I'm sure they will be good because the tasks are easy and you are clever :)
As we were discussing different things about schooling, I thing watching some videos could be useful for you

23 березня 2016 відбувся черговий вебінар видавництва Macmillan Education «Результати онлайн-тестування від видавництва «Макміллан». Аналіз типових помилок». Під час вебінару презентатор Інна Нестоїтер ознайомила учасників з загальними результати онлайн-тестування, яке проводило видавництво «Макміллан» за підтримки МОН з 16 лютого по 16 березня 2016 року. Були проаналізовані типові помилки, яких припустилися учні, а також надано поради щодо шляхів їх усунення.


Preparing for the test   12,13 groups
If you want to prepare yourself for the test - here are some links for you (they are on general grammar).


Required task    43 group      Grammar
Your chance to improve your mark on Grammar self-work (or to get extra grade). I had to divide the self-work into two parts because the tasks are of different types. Try to do both of them to get an average mark. They must have been done up to Wednesday evening!
Texts for reading  Read the texts and write down your answers into the copy book.


Required task   43 group    Grammar. "Have something done"
Practice the grammar structure "Have something done". Here are some links to the exercises and grammar articles to revise how to use it and how to distinguish between Have something done and Present Perfect Tense.
Do the exercises, check the answers and redo them if it's needed to
get prepared for a class self-work


Required task    31 group      Grammar. "Put"
Use phrasal verb "to put" for doing the exercises
Write down expressions with put into your copy-books


Required task    31 group    Grammar. "Come"
Let's work more on phrasal verbs! Of course, you may simply memorize them like a poem, but I'm sure that without practice you will forget them in some weeks. The only one way to remember phrasal verbs is to use them as often as it's possible.
Let's do some exercises on "come"! Download these exercises to your computer, do them and write down the answers into your copybook. And also here are some spider maps to help you with learning the verbs.


Required task   12, 13 groups
Your home self-work on Reported Speech.
If you want to practice before doing the self-work you may use the Excercises from the previous post.
After doing them it will be easier for you to do the self-work.
Reported Speech. Self-work (form forfilling)


Сьогодні на базі навчального центру "Перспектива" та за сприяння її директора - Михайлова Олексія В`ячеславовича відбулась зустріч учнів ліцею з носієм англійської мови, який розповів про секрети досягнення успіху в житті. Діти почувалися вільно та змогли запитати про все, що їх цікавило. Також вони дізналися багато нового про країни у яких побував гість Славутича, та про його рідну країну. 
Дякуємо "Перспективу" за чудову можливість поспілкуватися англійською мовою та за дуже цікаву зустріч!


Required task   31 group
Your home assignment for the next lesson:
- read two texts, do the after text tasks and fill in the form with answers
Form for answering         (Results of your work)
Watch those videos; choose one man-made disaster that impressed you the most, take some notes to be able to write a short report about it in your test-work
Top 10 Man-Made Disasters

Top 10 Shipwrecks

Hindenburg Explosion


C o n t e s t !
It's time to start voting for the best PowerPoint Presentation about the UK and Ukraine! We have collected enough presentations to start our voting. If you have already chosen THE MOST INTERESTING, THE MOST GOODLOOKING  and THE MOST ORIGINAL presentations - you may fill in the special form. I offer 8 and 9th formers to watch and vote for the both contests


Required task    12,13 group        Grammar. Reported Speech
Hello students. I think your need more practice on Reported Speech.
Here are some exercises that may help you to see if you've understood everything about converting Direct Speech into Reported one. Also, some tables and spider-maps could be useful for you. You needn't write the answers down, just do them to see if you are good at them.
Reported Speech
Optional task    43 group
The last, the really last, I'm not kidding - THE LAST chance to show that you have learned what Participles are and how to use them.

C o n t e s t !    (8 form)
We are starting our Best PowerPoint Presentation Contest. The subject of the contest is Ukraine-its culture, famous people and sights, history and traditions etc. In other words - anything interesting about our country. You can make individual or group projects, as you want. After all works are uploaded here - we will start voting. For now - look at the special page with the projects, choose the one that is THE MOST INTERESTING, THE MOST GOODLOOKING, THE MOST ORIGINAL. Make your choice, remember the number of the presentation that you like and VOTE a bit later. Hope you will enjoy your group mates works!   
The projects themselves are here.


Required task     22, 23 groups
You have already got some theoretical grammar but haven't practiced using Gerund enough. Here are some exercises for practicing. Do them, check the answers and when you are ready - do the self-work. Remember that we've made a deal - you do that test (form) as a self-work and preparation for the next test-work, that will be on Wednesday, 9 March.


3 березня 2016 року на підтримку всеукраїнської програми підготовки до ЗНО та ДПА з англійської мови та ексклюзивно для вчителів України всесвітньо відомий автор екзаменаційних курсів "Laser" та "Destination" та ELT тренер Malcolm Mann провів вебінар на тему: "Teaching vocabulary to prepare for the Ukrainian State Exam" під час якого проаналізував завдання ЗНО попередніх років, типи завдань, що виносяться на ДПА у поточному навчальному році та надав корисні поради щодо підготовки учнів до тестування.


Перший та другий курси! Це ваш останній шанс!
Сподіваюсь, Ви пам`ятаєте, що одним з обов`язкових завдань попередньої теми було виконання тесту на Прості та Тривалі часи. Нажаль, дехто так і не виконав це завдання, хоча пройшло вже достатньо часу. Я знову відкриваю форму для заповнення. Ви маєте час до понеділка, щоб виконати завдання. Третього шансу не буде!
