
Required Task for 42, 43, 44 groups (29.04.2020)
Урок: Виконання завдань з аудіювання. Підготовка до ЗНО 42, 43, 44 групи (29.04.2020)
We have already finished studying all topics that we had to this school year. So, now it’s time for revising and preparing for A-level exams
To get ready for the A-level exam in English do this tasks in listening. I recommend you to download these files (print them out if you want), do Listening tasks and fill in the forms with the answers to them
Listening task 4.1                 Listening task 4.2
Listening task 4.3                 Soundtrack for Listening task 1
Listening task 4.5                 Soundtrack for Listening task 2
Listening task 4.6                 Soundtrack for Listening task 3
Required task 11, 12 groups (28.04.2020)
Урок: Вживання прислівників rather, quite, almost. 11, 12 групи (28.04.2020)
This lesson is devoted to grammar. I know that you don’t like doing grammar exercises, but there is nothing to do, we must do it from time to time
Today we’ll practice using adverbs of degree: rather, quite, and almost.
1.     Study the grammar rule on the page 248 of your text book..
2.      If you don’t understand it well, maybe this article in Ukrainian will be helpful.
 Or you may watch the videos with explanation in Russian.
3.     Do some online exercises to see if you have understood the rule
4.     Do exercises 4, 5 (page 249), write the answers to your copybooks
5. Do the test exercise Quite-Rather-Enough test
  Виберіть відповідне слово з запропонованих варіантів для кожного пропуску. Коли закінчите вправу, натисніть Finish, виберіть Email my answers to my teacher, заповніть всі пусті поля - в останньому полі Enter your teacher's email or key code введіть мій email: natalysoloviovaenglish@gmail.com


Required Tasks for 22 group (27.04.2020)
Урок: Засоби масової інформації. (27.04.2020) –22 група
We are starting the last unit for this school year. It’s about Mass Medias and actually it’s an extension of what we learned last year. Let’s start with revising some vocabulary.
The plan is:
1. Do exercise 2 (page 236), write the translations of them to your copybooks. Revise what mass medias are.
2. Revise the grammar material about countable and uncountable nouns on page 237 of your text book
3. Do exercise 5 (page 238), write the answers to your copybooks
4. Do this online exercise. Online exercise "Teens and the media"

Надрукуйте слова у відповідних пропусках у реченнях, чи оберіть один з запропонованих варіантів. Коли закінчите вправу, натисніть Finish, виберіть Email my answers to my teacher, заповніть всі пусті поля - в останньому полі Enter your teacher's email or key code введіть мій email: natalysoloviovaenglish@gmail.com
Required task    11, 12 groups (27.04.2020)
Урок: Що таке мас медіа. Види мас медіа. 11, 12 групи (2
Today we are starting to work on topic “Mass Media” and I hope it will be interesting for you. As usually first of all we’ll deal with vocabulary.
1. Write the words from the first picture to your copy book or vocabulary and translate them. Study them and think how many of them are well-known to you.
2. Do exercises 1, 2 and 3 (page 246-248) from your text book.
3. Watch the videos to understand what Mass Medias are.
4. Do this exercise. Be careful and attentive because you will get a mark for it. It's an online exercise but I will see how you did it. 
Перетягніть слова у відповідні пропуски у реченнях. Коли закінчите вправу, натисніть Finish, виберіть Email my answers to my teacher, заповніть всі пусті поля - в останньому полі Enter your teacher's email or key code введіть мій email: natalysoloviovaenglish@gmail.com


Required task    12 groups (24.04.2020)
Урок: Контрольна робота "
Україна". 12 група (24.04.2020)
We have finished studying that unit about Ukraine and now it’s time to have a test on this topic. As we cannot do it in real-time, please, try to do it online. Here are links to the tasks. Good luck to you.

Required task    11 groups (23.04.2020)
Урок: Контрольна робота "
Україна". 11 група (23.04.2020)
We have finished studying that unit about Ukraine and now it’s time to have a test on this topic. As we cannot do it in real-time, please, try to do it online. Here are links to the tasks. Good luck to you.
Required Task        for 42, 43, 44 groups (24.04.2020)
Урок: Виконання лексико-граматичного тесту 42, 43, 44 групи (24.04.2020)
It’s time to sum up what we have already learned while discussing our last topic.
Today you must do one exercise from your text book and several reading tasks. The deadline is 01.05
1. Do exercise 1 (page 179), a Self-assessment test, and fill the form with the answers
2. Do these reading tasks in a form of A-level exam
Reading task 4.1                   Reading task 4.2
Reading task 4.3                   Reading task 4.4
Reading task 4.5                   Reading task 4.6
Reading task 4.7                   Reading task 4.8
Reading task 4.9                                                               Answers to tasks 4.4-4.5


Required Tasks for 22 group (24.04.2020)
Урок: Виконання лексико-граматичного тесту. (24.04.2020) – 22 група
Today it’s time to sum up what we have already learned about hobbies which different people have. This test is divided into two parts: 1 – Grammar (tenses, gerund and infinitive), 2 – lexical (about hobbies). You must do both parts and write the answers to your copybook and then fill the forma with the proper answers
Test-work "Hobbies" part 1                         Answers to Part 1-"Hobbies"
Test-work "Hobbies" part 2                         Answers to Part 2-"Hobbies"


Required Tasks for 11 group (22.04.2020)
Урок: Стереотипи щодо України. 11 група (22.04.2020)
Today we will have some fun. Today we are going to speak about some stereotypes and stamps about Ukraine.
So, read these articles, please
What do you associate Ukraine with? What stamps about Ukraine do you know? Write 5 ideas about stereotypes which are most spread about our country. You can use your own ideas about stereotypes or use those articles.
For example: “Salo is a kind of national food that is famous all over the world. I like eating it with borshch and garlic”. 
Required Task        for 42, 43, 44 groups (22.04.2020)
Урок: Відомі українці. Знамениті особистості 42, 43, 44 групи (22.04.2020)
Ukraine is rich in prominent personalities. Mostly we know the names of famous
sportsmen, writers, politicians, actors etc. Today’ lesson is devoted to them. 
1. Watch this video to revise some names of prominent Ukrainians. There are both facts about Ukraine and famous people represented. Reasons to be proud 
2. Do grammar tasks on Conditional sentences. Exercises 8, 9 (page 167)

To get ready for the A-level exam in English do this tasks in listening. I recommend you to download these files (print them out if you want), do Listening tasks and fill in the forms with the answers to them


Required Tasks  for 11 group (21.04.2020)
Урок: З історії України. Козацтво. 11 група (21.04.2020)
We have started speaking about Ukrainian history and today I’d like to speak about such phenomenon as Ukrainian Cossacks. Do you know who they are? What do you remember from your history lessons? To know more please, watch these videos.
1. Watch these videos about some pages of Ukrainian history.

2. Read the texts about Ukrainian history and Ukrainian Cossacks and do the task from the card. Write the answers to your copy-book Ukrainian Cossacks
3. Practice some grammar before the test work
* If you want to know more about Cossacks – read this article 


Required Tasks for 22 group (20.04.2020)
Урок: Вільний час підлітків. (20.04.2020) – 22 група
Today we’ll have a kind of summing up of what we have already learned.
1. Please, do exercise 5 (page 230) and exercise 6 (page 230)
2. Do the exercises on the pictures. Write the answers to your copy book
Required Tasks  for 11 group (20.04.2020),12 group (20.04.2020),
Урок: Відомі постаті в історії України. 11 група (20.04.2020), 12 група (20.04.2020)
Ukraine has got a very long history. There were very many prominent personalities in it. Today we are talking about famous writers.
1. Watch the videos about some famous Ukrainian writers
2. Read the text about Lesya Ukrainka  (exercise 2, page 243) and do the task after it.
3. Read the text about Taras Shevchenko and do the true/false task. Write the answers to your copy-book Taras Shevchenko
4. Practice some grammar before the test work


Required Task        for 42, 43, 44 groups (17.04.2020)
Урок: Місія міжнародних організацій. 42, 43, 44 групи (17.04.2020)
Ukraine is one of European countries and is a member of many international organizations. Today we are going to speak about them.
1. Watch the video about different international organizations to know more about them and practice your listening skills.
  2. Do exercise 1 (page 174) from your textbook. Write the answers into your copybook
   3. Read the text from exercise 6 (page 175) and do two after reading tasks: exercises 7, 8 (page 176)
   4. Watch the video about such grammar phenomenon as Inversion.
   5. Study a table with grammar rule on page 177.
   6. Do some online exercises to see if you have understood the rule.
As a part of preparing to your A-level exam, please download these files (print them out if you want), do reading tasks and fill in the forms with the answers to them
Reading task 3.1                   Reading task 3.2
Reading task 3.3                   Reading task 3.4
Reading task 3.5                   Reading task 3.6
Reading task 3.7                   Reading task 3.8
Reading task 3.9                                                               Answers to tasks 3.7-3.9