
Required task   32, 33 group
I have forgotten! Sorry, my dears! Here is a folder with different pictures; your task is to name the genres of the paintings and write them into your copybooks.

Required task   12 group
Here is your grammar task for the next lesson. Do these exercises and check the answers to see if you know Passive Voice well.
Do that exercise in the picture and write the answers into your copybook.


Required task   32, 33. 34 groups
Dear all, don’t forget to write a list of rules for those who want to survive a natural disaster. You needn’t create any poster or something else – just a list of 7-8 rules.
Required task     12 group
We have started speaking about our own country – Ukraine. You have some exercises from your textbook to do for the next lesson, but also there are some extra tasks to do here. Listen to the audio file and do tasks 1 and 2 from the reading card
 Some videos that we watched during the first lesson of the unit.


We are ready for St. Patrick's Day!
Wear green this Sunday! Be like the Irish!


12 березня 2019 року учні 33 групи відвідали виставку фотографій посла Австралії в Україні, присвячену північним територіям – Австралії та Антарктиді, а також відвідали музей Славутича, де ознайомилися з його новими експонатами 


Required task    41 group
Some more things about Participles: how to build them, how to use them and one practical task to do at home. Please, write the answers into your copy books.


Required task    41 group
Please, do these exercises on Participles. Sorry, I uploaded them late again :(


Required task    12 group

During today’s lesson we were talking about famous people of the United Kingdom. We mentioned some names of famous writers, talented actors and determined politicians. But the last name belonged to a funny man, talented actor, and intelligent person – Rowan Sebastian Atkinson, who was born in Wales and starred in several popular films. We haven’t done one exercise with a text about him so; it’s your home assignment.
Happy Birthday, Vlad!!!

Required task    32, 33, 34 groups

If you didn’t take a photo of workbook page with your home assignment – here is a scan of the necessary page. 
Please, do exercises from 1 to 5 and write the answers into your copy books

У вівторок 05.03.2019 р. до учнів 33 та 34 груп завітала Юхновець Юлія Олексіївна - заступник начальника відділу надання соціальних послуг Славутицького міського центру зайнятості. Вона розповіла учням про важливість правильного вибору професії та навчального закладу і запропонувала їм пройти профорієнтаційне тестування онлайн з домашнього комп'ютера у зручний для них час. Також нам порадили скористатися декількома зручними інформаційними порталами для майбутніх абітурієнтів