
Required task   31 group
I'm sure that you have heard his name even if you are not sure who he was. His name is Pablo Picasso! Know more about him watch the video and do the tasks - that is your current home assignment.


Required task   31 group
For Friday lesson you should do only task on articles. Another task is for Tuesday lesson.
Required task   42 group
Home assignment for Friday lesson



Required task   22, 23, 24 group                                   Modal verbs
Your exercises on modal verbs. It’s easy and there are only 8 sentences there.
All necessary tables on modals you can find in your textbooks or in the previous posts here on the blog. 
Required task   31 group
Here are some exercises for your homework. Unfortunately, I cannot give you more because you have only one evening for doing it. But the first exercise is not as primitive as it seems to be. It will make you think.


Optional task    22, 23, 24 groups
Some extra tables on modal verbs that I promised to give you. There are some tables in your textbooks but it's always good to have more to be able to choose the one that you like the most.

Завжди добре мати вибір. В нашому підручнику є докладне пояснення вживання модальних дієслів, але я пропоную вам додатковий матеріал, з яким ми працювали на уроці. Можете скачати ці таблички у свою граматичну скарбничку, або роздрукувати і користуватися ними під час виконання вправ.

Required task   42  group
Here are two texts for reading in a form of an A-level exam. Do the tasks at home, we'll check your answers during the next lesson


Завершився ІІ Відкритий конкурс на отримання грантів Славутицького міського голови  серед навчальних закладів міста. Метою конкурсу було надання фінансової та технічної підтримки для реалізації актуального освітнього проекту. Переможцями визнані 11 проектів з 16 поданих і серед них переможцями стали 2 проекти, подані Славутицьким ліцеєм, один з яких - проект англомовний клуб «English with Pleasure» (керівник Соловйова Н.С.)  З нетерпінням очікуємо початку роботи!

Вітаю з Днем Соборності!


Required task    22, 23, 24 groups
Grammar task on May and Might
Required task   31 group
Here are some tasks to do at home. Revise what the correct order of adjectives is and do grammar exercise. Watch the videos and listen to how different people describe different paintings and photos. Choose the picture that you like from the set and describe it in 8-10 sentences.


Required task   22, 23, 24 groups
Finally true winter has come! Now we have cold, sunny and snowy days which look like winter not late autumn! Maybe if we are lucky we'll have an opportunity to ski, skate or make snow fight. But first - some words to speak about the weather
Required task    31 group
We have started speaking about art and I hope you will enjoy describing different masterpieces of different kinds by different artists because life is impossible without art and you can find pieces of art anywhere anytime. It's an important part of our life. But first of all, we have to set some definitions.
Write down names of painting genres into your vocabulary, or print them out.
To memorize new words better - play the game! Game "Works of Art"
If you like the subject and want to know more about different types of painting - read this article 25 Different Types of Painting Techniques and Styles