
Required Tasks for   11 group (14.04.2020)
Урок: Українські забобони. 11 група (14.04.2020)
This lesson is devoted to superstitions (забобони). Do you believe that if you whistle indoors, you will be poor? Or if you forget something in your house or apartment and you have to go back, you must look in the mirror?
Let’s speak about different superstitions which are spread in Ukraine.
Your task for today:
2. Watch the video --------------------------
3. Think, if you believe in these things or not.
4. Write top 5 of your superstitions like: “I believe that if … I will / I may …”
5. Do exercise 5 (page 232) and write the answers to your copybook.
6. Read the text 3 (page 230) and put the passages into the correct order (there can be several variants of answers). Write the answers to your copybook

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