
Required task    11, 12 groups (27.04.2020)
Урок: Що таке мас медіа. Види мас медіа. 11, 12 групи (2
Today we are starting to work on topic “Mass Media” and I hope it will be interesting for you. As usually first of all we’ll deal with vocabulary.
1. Write the words from the first picture to your copy book or vocabulary and translate them. Study them and think how many of them are well-known to you.
2. Do exercises 1, 2 and 3 (page 246-248) from your text book.
3. Watch the videos to understand what Mass Medias are.
4. Do this exercise. Be careful and attentive because you will get a mark for it. It's an online exercise but I will see how you did it. 
Перетягніть слова у відповідні пропуски у реченнях. Коли закінчите вправу, натисніть Finish, виберіть Email my answers to my teacher, заповніть всі пусті поля - в останньому полі Enter your teacher's email or key code введіть мій email: natalysoloviovaenglish@gmail.com

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