
YOUR Ideas YOUR Initiatives 2016-2017 - February contest on Facebook
A new contest has been launched in social networks for February and you are invited to participate in it. Just follow the link.  http://bit.ly/2l7TsPV    There is a good prize for the winner!


20 лютого відбувся реквієм «Небесна Сотня Ангелів», присвячена пам’яті героїв Небесної Сотні. На заході були присутні ліцеїсти та учні загальноосвітніх шкіл міста. Вшанували хвилиною мовчання всіх, хто віддав життя за долю, за волю, за незалежність і свободу єдиної України! Цей захід став дебютом учня нашої групи Мацапури Вадима у якості звукорежисера. Дякуємо Вадиму за допомогу!


Required task     22, 23 groups
You have already got some theoretical grammar but haven't practiced using Gerund enough. Here are some exercises for practicing. Revise  necessary rules and do your home task

Optional task   12, 13, 14 groups
I have a confession to make. I have considered classical music boring. Don’t get me wrong. The musicians are mostly talented, exceptional players who love what they are doing but for teenagers and young people (even not very young) it often sounds boring. Let’s make it a bit funnier and livelier. Get acquainted with some classical composers and their greatest works.

Optional task   22, 23 groups
There are so many beautiful places in the UK! You have read about two of them, so that would be interesting to see them with your own eyes or at least in the picture.
Here you can watch videos about two castles we have already read.
Belfast Castle
Cardiff Castle


Optional task   12, 13, 14 groups
Do you like music? Do you watch different singing talent shows or song contests on TV? We have read about Ruslana - the Ukrainian winner of Eurovision Song Contest. Have you ever watched that show? This year our capital Kyiv is hosting this contest!!! This will be the second time the contest takes place in Kiev and as usually it is expected to consist of two semi-finals on 9 and 11 May and the final on 13 May 2017.
Forty-three countries will participate in the 2017 contest. Ukrainian broadcaster has confirmed that the final in our national selection for the 2017 is taking place on 25th February. Let’s vote for the best song!!! 
Ukrainian participants in Eurovision Song Contest 2003-2016
 Secret guideline how to make a perfect Eurovision Song 


32 group
Download these texts because we need them for the next lessons
41 group
Things for downloading                      Texts for reading            Book for practicing


  Home assignment for the 41st group
Some inventions are great and useful others are absurd and useless. You can earn millions or lose everything trying to lanch your product line. 
If you are inventive and want to make fortune on your goods it's important not only to have really necessary useful good but also think about advertising company, logo and catchy name for your item.
Try to get names to these things (write your ideas into your copy book)

Required task   12, 13, 14 groups
Your home task for the next lesson. Identify the musical instruments that you see and hear in both parts of the video. Write down their names into your copybooks.
Part 1
Part 2


Required task   12, 13, 14 groups
We have written some names of musical instruments and listened to their sounds. I hope you were not surprised because you had already known almost all of them. But there are so many other musical instruments which are unusual for us or just rare. So, here is your home assignment:
    - watch the first video and write the names of musical instruments which are not in your list yet
   - watch the second video and write down the names of music genres into your copy-books
Optional task       22, 23 group
Nowadays we use a lot of gadgets every day even without thinking who and when invented them. Everybody knows about tablets, smartphones, headsets etc. However, for every revolutionary discovery there were countless bizarre ideas that for various reasons didn’t take root. So, here are some of them


Optional task       12, 13, 14 groups
If you like music, if you want to know more about music styles - watch these videos once more (we have already watched them) and have some fun!
The Differences Between The Music Genres
Music styles by bird dancing


32 group,
Please, upload this folder to your gadget. We'll need it for the next lesson


03.02.2017 учні 13 групи відвідали виставку «Обереги українського народу», яка є частиною експозиції музею ліцею. Діти дізналися про обереги, традиції, особливості побуту, побачили український народний одяг, якому більше 60 років. Обовязково відвідаємо виставку ще раз, щоб приміряти цей барвистий стрій.


Optional task       12, 13, 14 groups
Here are some exercises which may help you prepare yourself for the test-work on topic "School". You will have it during the next lesson
Lexical task: At school                                     Passive Voice:Grammar
English idioms: School                                     Passive Voice
Lexical task: School