
Required task      11, 12 groups
We have started the revision of such grammar material as Modal Verbs. You learned them at 5-7 forms and I hope you remember how to use them and how they differ. Here are some tables to sum up all studied earlier, some online exercises to practice and a home task that you should write into your copybooks.
Online exercises to practice


Розпочинаю новий сезон вебінарів! Ще більше цікавої та корисної інформації!


Нарешті відбулося оцінювання українською національною комісією проектів eTwinning за 2018-2019 навчальний рік. За два проекта «Англійська з супермаркету» (English from the supermarket) та «Поділяймо наші цінності» (Lets share our values) я отримала Національні Сертифікати Якості!!! Це надзвичайно приємно! Всі, хто брав участь у цих проектах чудово попрацювали! Дякую всім і вітаю!!!


Required task        11, 12 groups
Here is your home self-work. Do it carefully and get extra grade for the topic evaluation.

Required task        11, 12 groups
We have already revised how to use “much, many, a lot of, little, few ...” and have done some exercises but the more you practice the better your English is! So, let’s go on training. If you need to refresh your knowledge about using these words – watch the video and do some online exercises. After that, please, do the exercise from the picture and write the answers down into your copybooks.

Online exercises to practice this grammar material

Some, any, much, many


Required task      11, 12 groups
Do you remember that we are having a test in the next lesson? Let’s get ready! Do some exercises and check them to see if you are ready for the grammar part of the test.
Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple
Required task      22 group
Here are some exercises on using Future Perfect Tense for you.  Do them and check the result instantly. The pictures contain some theory revision and homework exercise. Do it and write the answers into your copybook.
Exercise 2


Play some online games to revise lexical units which we have already learned during the lessons. Do listening task to practice your listening skills.


Required task       22 group
Here is your home assignment for the next lesson. First – revise the lexical: pronunciations and spelling of different professions names. Also, discover the difference between “occupation” and “profession” and finally do the exercises from the pictures and write the answers down into your copybooks as a homework.



Required task    11, 12 groups
Read about Future events in English, revise how to use different grammar tenses for planned or spontaneous actions and do these online exercises. (DON’T write them into your copy-books. Just do and check the answers)
Exercise 1
There is one more exercise for you. This one should be written into your copybook as a homework. Mark it as “Exercise 4, 5 from the blog”. Click on a picture to make it bigger.

Optional task    11, 12 groups
We have read about character traits which are typical for people, born in different years and for people of different Zodiac signs. But do you know how animals for the Chinese calendar were chosen and why these animals became representatives of different years? Watch the video and learn more about different calendars.


Dear eight-formers. Here are some lexical games to play. If you want to check your knowledge in a field of human character, feelings or emotions – try them! Good luck!
Learningapps-Character traits


Починаючи новий навчальний рік варто поговорити про підручники, за якими ми будемо працювати. Всі посібники входять до переліку затверджених та рекомендованих навчальних посібників, електронні версії книг ви можете скачати на свої гаджети і таким чином значно полегшити свій шкільний рюкзак
9 клас. English 9. Морська Л._2017


Знову до ліцею!
Надзвичайно рада бачити Вас всіх після літніх канікул! Сподіваюсь, ви сповнені сил, енергії та бажання навчатися далі! Тільки від нас залежить, яким буде цей навчальний рік, тому давайте намагатимемося зробити його продуктивним, цікавим та веселим!