Activity 3
Creating a new product

1. In winter the eight-formers of our Lyceum worked hard during their craft lessons. According to the curriculum they had to make a doll of any kind. We decided to connect that activity to our project. Girls not only made their dolls but also prepared and presented short stories about them.

2. One of the dolls was made so professionally that I wouldn't believe that a 14 years old girl could make it if I hadn't seen that with my own eyes. Later I knew that making dolls is her hobby. Together with her mother, they have created many beautiful ones.

3. As a final task, we decorated a plastic bottle and made a candy holder of it. 

4. We advertised our final product - a candy holder. I hope you like it!

5. We tried to record a video advertisement for our nice bottle. Pupils were very shy so, don't be very strict.

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